Bespoke Commercial Security


Some Common Misconceptions About Being a Security Guard

There are a lot of false ideas about security guards. Many of them come from movies or TV shows, and sometimes they come from a one-time story in the news. However, the most common misconceptions come from people not knowing enough.

Many people think that a security guard's job is tedious, doesn't require training, and doesn't involve any real responsibilities. In reality, it's the complete opposite. Security guards are vital for keeping people and property safe. Their work is critical and requires a wide variety of skills.

We decided to bust some of the most common myths about security guards so you could learn more about what they do.

Security guards need to be big and strong

A common myth is that security guards have to look like professional strongmen. Being physically fit is good, but that doesn't mean they have to show off their muscles. In reality, a strong guard can deter criminals, but some other skills and traits are more important and can be just as valuable for a dangerous situation.

Observation skills, staying focused and alert, and good communication skills help security guards do their primary jobs to stop fights from getting worse and stop crime from happening.

Also, big and robust guards don't work in every place. Some companies want average-sized men who can blend in with the crowd, stay out of sight, and not stand out. It's significant for businesses in the corporate world, in the hospitality business, or that put on events.

So, if you want to be a security guard, you shouldn't worry about how you look. Training and experience are much more critical and valuable.

There is no need to train security guards

The first and most common false belief is that anyone can work as a security guard, and they don't need any training. In reality, security guards get a lot of training in many different areas, such as physical fitness, legal rules and policies, emergency procedures, and how to solve problems.

Security guards do have to know how to act in various situations and deal with a wide range of problems. They need to learn how to predict what might happen and choose the best way to respond. It's also essential for a security guard to always be alert and watchful, so they have to learn the risks and what should get their attention in different places.

It's important to note that, besides the basic training that every security guard gets, they also have to go through training specific to their job. That's because their jobs change depending on whether they work in an office, a warehouse, or an event.

Today, training on how to use technological devices is also essential. Security guards know how to use high-tech security systems like alarms, access control equipment, and screening devices.

A woman can't work as a security guard

Without a doubt, men are the majority in the security guard business. When asked what a typical security guard looks like, most people probably think of a man. But that doesn't mean there aren't any women working in this industry. As we've already said, a good security guard needs skills, training, and experience. Also, both men and women can have them.

There is a clear trend toward hiring women as security guards right now. On the one hand, it's to make the industry more diverse. On the other hand, women bring skills that are very useful in this job that men don't have. Women can have a lot of empathy, and their communication ability is well known. It's also helpful that women sometimes notice things that men don't, so they can work well together and be even better at preventing problems.

Security guards cost too much to hire

Many people think they can't pay for the services of security guards. But security agencies have a lot to offer and can make their services fit the needs of each business or person. Agencies like us here at Stag Security care a lot about our clients and customise our services for each one based on the needs of the business or property. Our security guards can protect private homes, small hotels, and large retail stores.

The cost doesn't have to be high, and it's less than the loss from burglaries, thefts, or vandalism. So, it's a good idea to spend money on your safety and, as a result, your peace of mind.

Contact us today.

Stag Security Services provides a variety of security guarding options. One of our specialist consultants can quickly and efficiently assess your specific construction site security needs to provide you with the a cost-effective solution.

Please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts if you require any additional information.