Bespoke Commercial Security


Safety Advice for Event Security

The fact that you are on top of your event security sends a loud and clear message to your attendees that you value their safety and well-being above all else. It is critical to take event planning seriously enough to account for all possible scenarios. Here are some pointers to help you secure your event.

Prepare to Be Organised and Develop a Strategic Plan

When organising your event, it is essential to stay on top of things. Preparation for the event should include a thorough risk assessment to look into security concerns and consider all possible scenarios. Make notes to consider the number of guests, the high-profile nature of the event, whether or not celebrities or other notable people will be in attendance, and the event's location. Is the event going to be high-profile or low-profile? As soon as you have completed a preliminary security analysis, you can consult with the experts.

Call in the Experts

Make sure that you hire a company or firm with legitimate security experts to ensure the safety and security of your major event participants and attendees. Do your homework on the security company you intend to hire, and always hire a certified professional who will have your back 100 per cent. Among event planners, security was frequently cited as an area where budgets were being cut. Still, no one can afford to put security and safety on the back burner in the current climate. Keep your head and your heart in check.

Security Screening

It is critical that all attendees be pre-checked and screened and have their proper identification and credentials displayed on lanyards before entering the event. If you don't have a lanyard, you can't enter. Tough love is required. Ensure that the security personnel and those working the door or registration desks are aware of who should and should not be present, and you will ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Communication Is Key

Make sure that the event's staff and personnel, as well as your security team, are all working together. Everyone benefits from working together and having a level of understanding. For any event's security to run smoothly and for all risks to be eliminated, all staff, whether security or otherwise, must work together and communicate thoroughly and efficiently for the event to be secure. There are hundreds of people involved in events, and each one should have a clear understanding of their personal roles and responsibilities, as well as their critical responsibilities in the event of an emergency. When everyone understands where they should be and what they should be doing, safety procedures can be followed quickly and smoothly without a hitch, saving time and money. Before the event, hold a team briefing to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Increase the Number of Searches

No one wants to be surprised with a pat-down or frisk when they walk into an event. Ensure that all invitations and event literature include a small line stating that all attendees will be subject to search and that proper identification will be required. Leave the element of surprise out of it to prepare for the extra examinations and don't feel violated or embarrassed.

Make Security a Top Priority in Your Spending Plan.

It is worth reducing the number of unnecessary extras at your event so that more money is allocated to security measures. Check for proper bag-checking stations, scanners, metal detectors, and thorough security screening. Ensuring your attendees and staff feel safe at a conference or event is something that money cannot buy.

Have Medical Support Available

Always have a medical team or tent on-site for large-capacity events in case of accidents, emergencies, or illnesses that may occur. Always prepare your team for the worst-case scenario so that you are ready should it happen.

Keep All Details and Plans Up to Date

Always make sure that someone from the security team is kept up to date on what is happening. Changes occur with events, it goes without saying, but make sure your security team is aware of any changes to the schedule, emergency plans, contact information, evacuation procedures, and personnel changes. Ensure that the security team knows the exact size of the venue, how guests will enter, security checkpoints, emergency exits, emergency evacuation plans, and any other pertinent information. Be prepared at all times, and you can rest assured that everything will go smoothly nine times out of ten.

Contact us today.

Stag Security Services provides a variety of security guarding options. One of our specialist consultants can quickly and efficiently assess your specific construction site security needs to provide you with the a cost-effective solution.

Please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts if you require any additional information.